I have already told you that in some part of the year, I have the habit to follow a gluten-free diet: corn and rice cakes are quite gratifying, as substituted of bread… I like the crunchy noise they make when you bite them. But I’m always looking for new recipes, made with gluten-free flours. This is a nice alternative to rice and corn cakes: crispy quinoa crackers with mixed seeds 🙂

Ingredients (for about 50 crackers):

  • mixed seeds (sesame, sunflower, pumpkin) 7 oz
  • quinoa flour 3,5 oz
  • extra virgin olive oil 1,05 oz
  • water 10,5 oz
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Preheat fan oven at 300 F.
  2. Stir the seeds, roughly chopping the larger ones, such as pumpkin seeds.
  3. Add quinoa flour, oil and salt.
  4. Add 10,5 oz of natural water.
  5. Cover a baking pan (40×30 cm) with paper baking sheet and oil; pour half the mixture and spread it evenly: the thickness must be at most 2/3 mm.
  6. Bake for 25 minutes; then, cut crackers of the desired size and shape.
  7. It may happen that the outer thinner parts would be already cooked: you can remove and crumble them. You will have a great crunchy to flavor a salad or a vegetable cream.
  8. Cook again for another 25 minutes.
