Often we become much regular even approaching food; I think you already know it. For that reason, if we have to choose between something “tasty known” and something new with an incertain flavour, we prefare the known one. Fortunately sometimes we make an effort and we accept to go for the uncertainty and we descover new flavours and consistencies. It was like that for me, with these kale chips! Also my children like them so much 🙂  They are a perfect snack or a wonderful entrèe before a meal. So, now…try and enjoy.


  • 20 kale leaves
  • extra virgin olive oil q.s.
  • salt q.s.


  1. Preheat fanned oven at 356F.
  2. Carefully wash the kale leaves and dry.
  3. Keep the extremities of leaves (about 4 inches) discarding the stems, which you can use for a vegetables soup.
  4. Cover with oven paper a baking tray and lay the leaves without overlaping.
  5. Put some extra virgin olive oil and salt and bake for about ten minutes.
  6. Consider that the leaves may become crunchy at different times, because they are not the same size; so, paying attention, take away those ready and leave the others few minutes more.